Commercial audit services
Insurance audit services
Asset Management
Fund audit services
Solvent liquidations
Solvent liquidations
Cross border & domestic insolvency
Cross border & domestic insolvency
Asset tracing, investigation and recovery
Asset tracing, investigation and recovery
Corporate restructuring and recovery
Corporate restructuring and recovery
We trace and recover funds for clients who have suffered a financial loss.
In the last decade our global team has recovered over US$3bn worth of assets for stakeholders.
Grant Thornton has one of the largest dedicated teams of asset-tracing and recovery specialists supported by forensic teams who are ISO certified. We have significant experience of working collaboratively with overseas government agencies, financial and non-financial regulators, and criminal agencies, and have recovered assets from some of the world's most challenging jurisdictions.
As part of our global network, we have specialist resources focused solely on asset tracing and recovery for clients who have suffered a financial loss. The division has expertise and experience of complex financial investigations in order to pursue fraud losses, shortfalls and guarantors for major financial institutions, law firms, insurers, corporates and foreign governments.
We have experience of retrieving assets from jurisdictions in the Caribbean, Middle East, Africa, Europe and Asia, as well as other offshore centres.